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Clown World 65: Good Bye AI’s; (Large Language Models) Wish We Had Never Met Ya, Let Ya, Or Bet Ya...

AI is the next big investment for Big Tech who wants to "Build Back Better". With the large langue models which are based on human's and their faulty science, will damage everything it touches. But like the coming disaster of electric cars they will never change their minds in the face of the AI damage that will be ubiquitous. Ai will never re-create consciousness and fail in it's attempt to outsmart God...

Clown World #65: Good Bye AI’s; (Large Language Models) Wish We Had Never Met Ya, Let Ya, Or Bet Ya...

AI, information age, large language models, elon musk, chat GPT, open ai, sam altman, artificial general intelligence, deep seek, nvidia, google, meta, anthropic, hour one, cytoreadon, riskified, snowflake,

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Trump's Triumphs 95: God's Man "The Teflon Don's" Gaza Strip Club Rebuild......

Ariel Sharron's gift to the Palestinian People in 2005 for the establishment of a Palestinian State; The Aaza Strip. Instead the 7 muslim nations surrounding Israel have poured billions into the Gaza strip to kick the jews into the sea. They are perpetual refugees for this purpose. Now we see that since Sharron's evacuation of jewish settlements in 2005 they have used the investment of the muslim nations to wage war against Israel because God owns the land and it cannot be give to his enemies. The biblical imperative is to clear the land of the Palestinian People who defile the land. God took the land away from Israel in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Solomon's temple and gave it back to Israel 70 years later and finally again in 1948. God owns the land and God's man Donald J. Trump will take it back according to His word in the scriptures.

Trump's Triumphs #95: God's Man "The Teflon Don's" Gaza Strip Club Rebuild......

gaza strip, jewish settlement, donald j. ...

Trump's Triumphs 94: 2024 Miracle Election (A Biblical Insurrection)...

Trump's Triumphs #94: 2024 Miracle Election (A Biblical Insurrection)...

The impossible only happens with the permission of God. Throughout Biblical History God chose all leaders for nations including the bad ones. The leadership of all nation is solely by permission of God and necessary for punishment or blessing the plebs.

Trump, Trump's Triumphs, election 2024, voting fraud, dei, Assassination, lawfare,

Trump's Triumphs 93: Trump's 18 Point Plan To MAGA America 3 Immigration Nation...

Trump's Triumphs #93: Trump's 18 Point Plan To MAGA America #3 Immigration Nation...

The United States is the Melting Pot of the World and Immigration by the Spanish Speaking Peoples of the Americas will restore the Nation and Make America Great Again. Offsetting the Demographics problem cause by white women who do not make love to their husbands and disobey God's 1st Commandment to women; "A woman's body does not belong to her but rather to her husband" The Bible Says...

Trump MAGA Immigration

Trump's Triumphs 94: 2024 Miracle Election (A Biblical Insurrection)...

Trump's Triumphs #94: 2024 Miracle Election (A Biblical Insurrection)...

The impossible only happens with the permission of God. Throughout Biblical History God chose all leaders for nations including the bad ones. The leadership of all nation is solely by permission of God and necessary for punishment or blessing the plebs.

Trump, Trump's Triumphs, election 2024, voting fraud, dei, Assassination, lawfare,

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Trump's Triumphs 90: Barack Leads; Trump Recedes Kamala Precedes A 2025 Election Redux...

Kamala "Coconut Tree" Harris will not be a Presidential Judgment from God. Donald J. Trump will not take office because of the "Prince of the Air". Necessitating a Presidential Redux...
Buckle up for a wild ride that will not end in insurrection or civil war but rather in an election Redux.
Who Are The Guilty Parties Of The 9/11/2001 Terror & What We Must Never Forget...

The final war on earth began on 9/11/2001 when the Muslims attacked the resurrected Holy Roman empire rising out of the sea; The United States. The MAGA supporters try to battle it out without God vs. the Godless Demon-Rats. & The Teflon Don's "Make God Great Again" final spiritual battle on earth.
The Final War on Earth Continues on the 24th Anniversary of 9/11/2001. The Twin Towers come straight down defying the law of Gravity and Physics. The world has a conspiracy theory bonanza, while ...

Biblical Health 59: The Resurrection Of Christ; Trump & The Nation’s Of God In 2024...

The Christian MAGA supporting will be praying for the Resurrection of Donald J. Trump's 2nd Term in November. What God sees, when their prayers for Trump goes up to heaven is the Pagan Easter Celebrated on 3/28/2024. The Actual resurrection day of Christ occurs on 4/28/2024 Sunday. God can't restore this nation unless it is worthy and the Pagans Rights of Easter disqualified all the prayers for Trump:
The Pagan Holiday of Easter just celebrated will have devastating results if not repented for. The good news is you can celebrate the actual resurrection of Christ without sin and with God's approval in time to petition God on behalf of MAGA on election day in 2024...
Trump’s Triumphs #84: The Easter 2024 Nexus To God’s Man Trump & The Restoration Of A Nation...

easter, passover, trump, election 2024

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